----- 轉寄信件 ----
寄件者: Bjorn Froman
寄件日期: 2008/7/29(星期二) 上午3:39:09
主 旨: July is a double month!!!!



Hi dear Team!


I have just got back from Bangkok and I am off course feeling very excited about the future, we are all very blessed to be able to work with Herbalife now, during this amazing time, I mean the entire word are screaming for health solutions….. what we do is what people need and want…. It is so exciting to be a Herbalife Distributor.


I have attached a really exciting promotion so that we all can do even better and earn more travel cash for the up and coming Asia World Team School in Macao .


Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you to make your business better!!

Please study this information below, I am sorry for not having time to translate to Chinese, perhaps one of you guys can translate for your team:



Qualify for Asia World Team School Travel Cash



Do 3000vp x 3 months straight earn extra $150
(July, August and in September, 2008) - Not open for TAB Team


Accumulate vp over the same months and earn:
Do 15.000vp = earn $150, Do 20.000vp = earn $250
Do 25.000vp = earn $350, Do 30.000vp = earn $500

Double month in July 2008!!!!
Do 3000vp in July and get 3000vp extra to make your qualification more exciting!!!

Example: Do 6300vp in July and you get extra 3000vp, do 6000vp in August and do 10.000vp in September.

Your total vp is 22.300vp + the extra 3000vp bonus = 25300vp = congratulations, you qualify for $300 travel cash!!! J




Active Supervisor Recognition
Do 2500pv 3 consecutive months at any 3 months between, May, June, July, August and September 2008.

This Fantastic Active Supervisor is open for all Supervisors (even current Active Supervisors) that have not yet Become GET Team or Higher.

Qualify for this popular and personal Active Supervisor Crystal Recognition with your name in scripted with laser.

It is so beautiful and will make your downlines so jealous that they will also want to qualify for one!!!!





Lets have some fun with this Special Extra Recruiting Promotion
Sponsor a total of 15 new 1st line distributors during July, August and September and earn extra $100 travel cash!!!!!


Please Carefully Read our Team Qualificati on s Terms and C on diti on s and help to explain for your downlines:

·          Be a fully Qualified Supervisor as of July 1st 2008

·          Attend the Macao ’s or any other Regions 2008 World Team School (no exceptions)

·          Be in Bjorn Froman 1st, 2nd or 3rd - 5% Royalty payout during the qualification period.

·          I am looking forward to give you the cash in your hand when I meet you in Macao .  

        Or your promoti on earnings will be paid out to your Team leader (GET, Mill or President’s Team upline) he or she will then pass the m on ey to you.

·          The 3000vp x 3 months  is not open for TAB Team

·          Please update your email address with Herbalife so that important emails will reach you in time.

·          Please feel free to Email or call me if you need my support to make your business stronger and better or +60-166331099 ( Malaysia )





It will be really great to meet you in Macao ,


Bjorn Froman

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